Why miscommunication is cockblocking you!

I am currently reading a book and it has put into perspective the amount of miscommunication happening between men and women. So much of it is self sabotage. So many men who are seeking out the advice on how to date and successfully connect with women—whether it be emotionally and/or sexually—can be steered down the wrong path. As someone who has a voice and the attention of tens of thousands of men across all my platforms, I try to present myself as approachable and provide advice. At the end of the day so many of us are on a search of finding someone that gives us meaning, but when we get desperate, we are vulnerable. When I see incels and pickup artists giving hopeless romantics a sense community by guising their misogyny for romantic difficulty, it breaks my heart because these innocent men are then slowly being desensitised to their toxic rhetoric. Everyone can relate to being rejected or the inability to find the right "one," but these communities prey on that because we can be hopeless when we feel unlovable and I empathise.

I could go on about talking about the differences of the male and female gaze and misogyny and consent. But my point is, I appreciate all of the men who have reached out to me for advice whether it's how to take an appealing dick pic, satisfy their partner, enhance their dating profiles, explore bdsm, and all the other how-to's. If you want success in your dating life or sex life, ask women what they want, and it might be the opposite of what you've been taught to think women want. I can assure you that women have been screaming from the rooftops saying what they want in a heterosexual relationship, all you have to do is ask.


How to ask your partner to Dom you